Monday 11 November 2013

Footballplayer gets stuck with his Porsche in the mud

Sometimes I think our society is way too addicted and conditioned by technology. Road maps are Middle Ages stuff and everyone use a satnav, but is it really worthy to follow every advice of this device? Don't ask me how, but UK's footballplayer Andre Wisdom managed to get stuck with his Porsche Panamera Turbo in the middle of nowhere.

He set on his satnav the route to his club stadium for the daily training but then the device let him drive in the mud. It's not normal a device let you take a " road " like this, but how the hell do you keep driving in this place and think to be on the right way?


  1. Sooo, his name is Wisdom ? oh, the irony

  2. For Sale: Porsche Panamera, like new, celebrity owned, creampuff, mud wrestling in the back

  3. he's an idiot.

  4. Football player, probably thought there would be a football somewhere in the muddy shit
